Divide your company's document fraud by 6!

With Finovox, analyse 100% of your documents in real time. 

Finovox API SAAS Solution
icone Finovox


French software for detecting false documents.

Finovox is a solution for detecting false documents: upload the documents you receive to our platform and analyse their authenticity.

Recherche Finovox

100% analysis
of documents

All types, all languages and all formats (invoices, IDs, receipts, diplomas, etc.).

Gain de temps Finovox


Finovox scans thousands of files instantly and simultaneously.

Explications Finovox

of frauds

Finovox uses investigative tools to analyze, understand and explain fraud.

Preuve fraude Finovox

of evidence

Finovox provides you with a PDF report of all your investigations. 

Who is affected by document fraud?


of French people 

say they have already committed fraud using a false document. 


of frauds 

are made on non-standard documents. 


of the population

fears an increase in fraud over the next few years. 


cases of fraud 

take place online.


What Finovox can do for you

Economies Finovox

Financial savings on fraud

Detect fraud before it happens! On average, divide by 6 the amount of fraud committed against your company.

Economies ressources Finovox

Financial saving on resources

No more manual detection, so your teams can concentrate on fraud management rather than on their detections.

Temps Finovox

Time saving

Just a few seconds. This is the average processing time for a document with Finovox. So much time saved to create value for your customers. 

icone Finovox

To prevent fraud, analyse, detect and investigate all your documents in an instant.

icone Finovox
Logiciel Français Finovox

The pillars of Finovox software


falsifications using machine learning and statistical algorithms.

3 piliers Finovox


falsified areas on documents to determine their origin.


falsifications using advanced machine learning algorithms.


fraud to justify your decisions.


falsified areas on documents to determine their nature.

Finovox is applicable to all sectors

Assurance Finovox


Reduce underwriting and claims fraud:

  • Claims management
  • Analysis of invoices / quotes
  • Certificates
  • Identity documents...
Banque Finovox

Banking / Loan

Analyse all documents at every stage:

  • Opening of accounts
  • Loan applications
  • Fighting against money laundering and terrorist financing (LCB-FT)...
Affacturage Finovox


Detect false documents before financing invoices:

  • Invoice analysis
  • Identity documents...
  • Supporting documents…
Immobilier Finovox

Real estate

Analyse all your files: 

  • Rental
  • Buy 
  • Sale 
RH Finovox

Recruitment / HR

Find the right profile with the right skills by securing your recruitments:

  • Diploma analysis
  • Certifications
  • Supporting documents
  • Identity documents...
En savoir plus Finovox

Other companies

Finovox enables you to analyse your documents in real time, whatever the format, language or type.

icone Finovox

About us

Founded in 2019, Finovox is a French company with proprietary technology and high security standards.

All algorithms are developed in France by our data science experts. With Deeptech label and a team of experts in the field, we help all companies in the fight against fraud.

icone Finovox
Analyse faux documents Finovox
Evolution analyse

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